Saturday, September 12, 2009

Taking a Risk!

Yeah that's me! ----->
I know crazy right! We were at a beach the other day for the labor day weekend and we found these HUGE dunes that had like these 15-18 feet drop and I guess we were just feeling a little daring that day! What a Rush!!!!

I remember before I was jumping off, I was just thinking that man I could really wreck myself. But if i did it, it would be so much fun and the fear of being scared to jump off would be gone! Next thing you knew, the countdown began in my head, 3, 2, 1, and i was off to jump! Sometimes, often we don't want to throw ourselves out because we think we might have to much to lose or we will just get hurt. I mean in my case, i probably could have gotten hurt haha but in different circumstances, we have to take the risk! Don't be driven by fear but take the chance and go for it! I tell you, when i made that jump it was like the best feeling ever! Don't look back on things and regret! Take the chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!